Saturday, October 5, 2024

    Leah Payne


    6 Daily Health Tips

    Incorporate these small and simple health habits in your day for a huge health boost in the long run.Sometimes improving your health can feel like climbing a mountain: there are so many lifestyle chan

    6 Healthy Food Swaps

    White rice. Mayonaise. Soft drinks. Although common, these are often the culprits behind sluggishness, bloating, and weight gain. Thankfully, there are healthier substitutions that are just as delicio

    Simple Strategies for Workplace Wellness

    How do you spend your 9-5? If the answer is sitting down, stressed out, or feeling sick, it doesn\'t need to be that way. Make a commitment to improve your workplace wellness.Do you live to work, or wo

    Fracking in Canada

    Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial gas extraction method used in North America. Also known as fracking, it poses serious environmental and health concerns.Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial


    We cook with healthy organic ingredients whenever we can, but what about our kitchen gadgets? Simple green changes can remove toxins from our kitchen.We cook with healthy organic ingredients whenever

    Plastic in Our Oceans

    The plastic drinking straw you threw in the garbage could end up in the belly of a sea turtle. Where does the plastic we use end up? Some ends up in our oceans.Remember that iced latte you had last su

    Back To School Made Simple

    Going back to school doesn\'t have to bel a last-minute panic. With our back-to-school tips, parents can plan weekly tasks for a healthy, eco-friendly return to the books.If the morning of the first da

    GMO Update

    GMOs (genetically modified organisms) continue to be a polarizing issue in Canada, raising questions of safety, transparency, and food security.Food fight anyone? The case for or against genetically a

    Skin Care for Kids

    Children are especially sensitive to the chemicals found in personal care products. Reduce kids\' chemical exposure by using organic skin care products.Wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dull skin—just becau

    Sick Building Syndrome

    Is your workplace or school making you sick? No, we’re not talking about the deadlines, projects or people—we’re talking about the building itself. If being at work or school gives you headaches, nose

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