Art therapy, though relatively recent, is gradually gaining more mainstream acceptance as its body of supporting research expands.Sticky finger paints, misshapen mounds of clay, and boxes of multicolo
In a country with an abundance of healthy foods, many of us aren\'t consuming adequate amounts of important nutrients.Surprisingly, in a country with an abundance of fresh foods, the average Canadian i
Breast cancer has been linked to toxic chemical exposure. Learn what you can do to minimize your risk.Some women have a higher risk than others of developing breast cancer because of certain risk fact
Many women experience undesirable symptoms with menopause, but relief is possible through natural solutions.By midlife, finally being free of our recurring menstrual cycle and its associated hormonal
Do you know how to help prevent osteoporosis? Its a lifelong process that you can start today.Did you know that World Osteoporosis Day is October 20? That’s why October is a perfect time to raise awa
If you dread the December rush of parties and activities, plan ahead. Our tips will help you reduce stress and anxiety.What are your plans for the upcoming season, and how will you enter the New Year?
By adopting diet and lifestyle strategies, patients with prediabetes can prevent diabetes, and those with diabetes can improve health.Diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is an area where diet and li
When it comes to health concerns, sugar isn\'t so sweet. To reclaim our health, it\'s time to break up with sugar.Our love affair with refined sugar began some 10,000 years ago, on the island of New Gui
Practical lifestyle habits such as eating a healthy diet, losing excess weight, and exercising regularly can help control diabetes.Simple, effective treatments can make a major difference in diabetes
Discover natural treatments that may offer relief to inflammatory bowel disorders such as Crohn\'s and colitis.Did you know that inflammatory bowel diseases affect about 233,000 Canadians, with more th