Friday, January 24, 2025

    Tag: lifestyle

    Powerful Movements

    Arthritis affects millions of people. Yoga therapy offers a gentle way to combat pain, and increase flexibility and muscle strength in arthritis sufferers.There is an old saying about how we forget to

    Ethic$ in Action

    Ethical investments allow you to make socially responsible investments and align your beliefs with your financial goals.Canadians feel strongly about a wide variety of social and ethical issues, from

    Find a Fresh Start

    It’s time to change your life, and stop feeling stuck!We all know the feeling. Maybe it’s waking up with job-dread every morning. Maybe it’s the relationship that’s going nowhere but shows no sign of

    Stop Stressing

    Each of us has our own coping style to deal with stress. But managing stress successfully requires an awareness of our stressors and a plan to deal with them.Our society is progressing rapidly, at wha

    Cooking Up Controversy

    Whether microwaves are safe has been debated since their introduction into the kitchen in 1947. We look at the facts on microwave ovens.Microwave ovens have been around for decades. Terminology such a

    Northern Gateway Pipeline Project

    The Northern Gateway Pipeline is more than a pipedream. Enbridge has plans to build a 1,700-kilometre pipeline from northern Alberta to the BC coast.Last spring and summer, stark images of gushing oil

    From Confusion to Clarity

    Life coaching may be the answer if you’re looking for a new career but are confused by the options. What is life coaching all about and can it benefit you?You’re looking for a new career but are confu


    Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are man-made greenhouse gases, and yet their emissions have a much higher global-warming potential than that of carbon dioxide.They’re invisible, nontoxic, and ozone friendly

    2010 Youth for Sustainability

    Announcing the winners of the 2010 Youth for Sustainability (Y4S) competition, an environmental contest sponsored by Spiral Table.Half a year ago a dedicated group of business leaders in the Canadian

    Has Green Come Clean?

    When \"eco-friendliness\" began stuffing shelves, alive told readers about greenwashing, a marketing trend where corporations were greening up merely by saying so.Two years ago when “eco-friendliness” b

    Eco-Friendly Aquariums

    Keeping pet fish no longer consists of putting two goldfish in a glass bowl. To keep fish healthy, they need a clean, eco-friendly aquarium environment.A splash in the right direction Keeping pet fish

    Fashion Victims

    Clothing makes the man (or woman) … itchy. Materials such as wool or leather, finishes, and dyes can irritate sensitive skin if you have a fabric allergy.We\'ve all seen the magazine articles blacking

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